This is here to write and inform the world about everything green. We support the move to renewable energy as well as a reduction of fossil fuel emissions.
This site is a combination of aggregated news stories and informative articles to help people better understand their impact on our planet.
We hope you enjoy our website and support a green Earth! This is our only planet after all!
Kylie Johnson
I enjoy the outdoors, especially when I can go on a fun hike or adventure. I like to focus on the perks of green living. I feel it is so important to take care of our earth and hope to spread more awareness as I edit and write.
Craig Campbell
I love to spend all the time I can outdoors and find every excuse to leave my house. I write about everything about our planet and I edit even more of it. I hope you’ll join me in making the Earth a cleaner and greener place!
Patrick Sands
I’m a huge goof who tries to add some humor into anything I write. With climate change being what it is, I feel it is important for people to get educated about their environment. This website allows me to do my part in that as I help others be as eco-friendly as possible.
Lacey Jolley
I love exploring, experiencing new places, and eating good food! I’m amazed every day at how well the Earth provides for us, and I want to return the favor. I hope to help others learn how we can make our world a better, cleaner place.
Bailey Longhurst
I am amazed every day by the beauty that this world provides for us and think it is important to preserve it! Taking care of ourselves and our earth is crucial and I want to help people discover new ways to do both. Publishing for Green and Growing is a unique way that I can get my message across, and I hope you all enjoy what we write about!
Mitchell Condie
I have a passion for the environment and try to spend as much time as I can in nature. I love hiking, camping, and fishing. In my spare time, I like to play music and board games. I love cultivating my own garden, and taking care of animals. I grew up on a farm, so relying on nature for my living has always been my lifestyle. I try to do everything I can to reduce my impact on the environment.
Tyler Farr
Tyler is an energetic nature enthusiast who is currently considering moving into a tiny house. Tyler and his wife enjoy hiking, mountain biking, camping, and doing anything in the great outdoors. He hopes that the articles he writes will help others learn how important it is to take care of the environment.
Mariann Foster
Mariann lives with her daughter, Maria, managing Big Horn Mountain Alpacas in Wyoming. She enjoys living simple and making a small footprint. She loves running everyday and being outdoors when she isn’t writing. Mariann hopes to inspire others to live a low maintenance life and to take care of the environment and all the creatures living on earth.